A strong voice for NI Veterans

Where to get help

Whether you are looking for help, guidance or just advice, the Northern Ireland Veterans Commissioner’s Office work collaboratively with the Northern Ireland Veterans Welfare Service and all veteran friendly organisations within Northern Ireland, to signpost veterans to a service that can help them depending on their need. We are committed to supporting UK veterans both in Northern Ireland and the Island of Ireland.

There are a large number of service and public charities with differing specialisms, that can help veterans through the toughest of times. Below are the links and contacts of some of those providers that can offer assistance to you.

Local Veteran Support

Veteran Welfare Service NI – Formerly UDR & R IRISH (HS) Aftercare Service

Website: Veterans Welfare Service NI Tel: 02890 420145

Email: dbsafvs-vws-ni@mod.gov.uk

NI Veterans Commissioner’s Office

Website: www.nivco.co.uk Tel: 02825 483169

Andy Allen Veteran Support NI

Website: www.aavsni.com Tel: 02890 747071

Decorum NI

Website: www.decorumni.co.uk Tel:  02891 457565

Military & Police Support West Tyrone

Website: www.mapswesttyrone.org.uk Tel: 02882 245459

MUVE – Mid-Ulster Victims Empowerment

Website: www.muve.org.uk Tel: 02886 763349

South East Fermanagh Foundation

Website: www.seff.org.uk Tel: 02867 723884

Veterans Adviceline for Statutory Professionals

Email: vasp@sommenursing.org Tel: 07551 397384

Veteran Health & Wellbeing

Beyond the Battlefield

Website: www.beyondthebattlefield.org Tel: 02891 228389

BLESMA The Limbless Charity

Website: http://www.blesma.org Tel: 0131 2262910

Brooke House

Website: www.brookhouse.co.uk Tel: 02889 531223

Combat Stress

Website: www.combatstress.org.uk Tel: 02890 269990

Defence Medical Welfare Service NI (Veterans)

Website: www.dmws.org.uk

Email: referralsNI@DMWS.org.uk Tel: 0800 999 3697

Help for Heroes

Website: www.helpforheroes.org.uk Tel: 0300 3039888

Inspire Wellbeing

Website: www.inspirewellbeing.org Tel: 02890 328474

Walking with the Wounded

Website: walkingwiththewounded.org.uk Tel: 01263 863900

Benevolence Funding & Finance

Army Benevolent Fund

Website: www.thesoldierscharity.org Tel: 02892 678112

Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund

Website: www.rafbf.org Tel: 03001 021919

Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity

Website: www.rnrma.org.uk Tel: 02393 871520

Royal British Legion

Website: www.britishlegion.org.uk Tel: 0808 802808

SSAFA – The Armed Forces Charity

Website: www.ssafa.org.uk Tel: 02890 327740

UDR Benevolent Fund

Website: www.udrbenevolentfund.com Tel: 07720 677838

Make the Call

Website: www.nidirect.gov.uk/makethecall Tel: 0800 2321271


Veterans UK

Website: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/veterans-uk Tel: 0808 1914218


Forces Employment Charity

Email: a.surgenor@forcesemployment.org.uk Tel: 07805 725242

Legal Support

Reid Black Solicitors

Website: www.reidblack.com Tel: 02895 922744

All Rounders

These organisations can assist veterans in more than one area including health, benevolence and peer support to name but a few and *these are duplicated in other areas above.

BLESMA The Limbless Charity

Website: http://www.blesma.org Tel: 0131 2262910

Help for Heroes

Website: www.helpforheroes.org.uk Tel: 0300 3039888

Royal British Legion

Website: www.britishlegion.org.uk Tel: 0808 802808

Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity

Website: www.rnrma.org.uk Tel: 02393 871520

SSAFA – The Armed Forces Charity

Website: www.ssafa.org.uk Tel: 02890 327740

In addition to the above information, the Veterans Handbook is available to download on the following link which details further services available to Veterans within NI.

Veteran Champions & Services by Council Area

Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon

Antrim & Newtownabbey

Mid & East Antrim

Ards & North Down

Belfast City

Causeway Coast & Glens

Derry City & Strabane

Fermanagh & Omagh

Newry, Mourne & Down

Lisburn & Castlereagh

Mid Ulster

A strong voice for NI Veterans